This is an example of a building facade for the Environmental Education Center that would blend into the theme and place of our Base Camp. The Environmental Education Center would serve as the home base for a licensed, full-day Nature Preschool, office space for Backcountry staff, and a camp/event area where our Camp Backcountry campers can continue activities indoors in the event of bad weather.
Design plans for the Environmental Education Center include three classrooms for the Nature Preschool. Each classroom will be home base for up to 20 children, allowing us to serve a total of 60 preschool aged children in what will be a full-day, licensed childcare center. Each classroom of 20 students will be split into two groups of 10 to allow for small group sizes for outdoor exploration, with a ratio of 1 : 5.
We intend to bring the natural world into every design aspect of the Environmental Education Center. This includes creating seamless transitions between the indoors and the outdoors.
Immediately outside the three Nature Preschool classrooms, there will be a professionally installed fenced-in play area, which will be utilized exclusively by the Nature Preschool.
We envision the preschool play area including some of these design aspects with a mixture of natural features and installed man-made features.
Raised garden beds installed outside the Environmental Education Center will serve as an education tool for the Nature Preschool, Camp Backcountry, as well as community programs.
A nature interpretive trail will be installed, connecting the Environmental Education Center, our existing outdoor learning spaces, and a challenge course. The trail will provide beautiful vantage points, educational signage, and opportunities for more public access to our Base Camp.
This is an example of what office space might look like within the Environmental Education Center. Office space will house all of our Backcountry Wilderness Area staff.