All 2024 Adult League information is now available, including the league calendar and the 2024 registration form. No waivers or rosters are required this year!
Important: January 7, 2024, will commence the HRCA registration only process. All USTA/CTA League dates/times registrations will follow their schedule (see links below). When registering, please use the “Sanctioned Leagues” application. There is no staggering of registration dates within the HRCA. I understand that after a Tennis link Team Number has been issued, if a refund is requested and processed, a cancellation fee of 20 percent of the total team fee will be incurred. Please be mindful: completing the “Sanctioned Leagues” application for HRCA does not guarantee you a position in the “USTA/CTA League.
Please call the Tennis Monitor desk at 303-471-8996 for more information or with questions.
Scroll down to browse, or use the search filter directly below to reduce the number of visible results to more easily find an activity.
Sanctioned Leagues
Questions? Contact Marianne McCauley, Tennis Coordinator, at the Northridge Tennis Pavilion by calling 303-471-8940.
Court Reservations