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Wild Roots FAQs

If we want our children to move mountains,
we first have to let them out of their chairs.

- Nicolette Sowder


What happens on rainy or snowy days?

For children, rainy and snowy days can be just as much fun as long as they are dressed appropriately! Wild Roots will engage in learning outdoors in all kinds of weather, so it is important to check the weather each morning and dress your child accordingly. We strongly recommend investing in a full rainsuit instead of a separate rain jacket and rain pants, and snow bibs instead of traditional snow pants. And keep in mind that if temperatures are cold, snow boots will keep feet much warmer than rain boots, even if all we are getting is rain. We ask that you send a full change of clothes each day inside a zippered wet bag. In the winter,  this should include extra gloves, socks, and hat. In case of an accident (toilet or weather related) we will put the dirty or wet clothing into the zippered wet bag. View full packing lists here.

We will follow the lead of the Douglas County School District in making decisions to close due to inclement weather. We will send out communications on weather delayed starts, early closures, or cancellations via text message and the Campanion App.