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Competitive Swimming for Youth

Endurance, Skill, and Fun

Our coach-led programs that teach competitive swimming skills, build endurance, and improve stroke technique in a swim team environment. Monthly registration for all program levels offers busy families flexibility in scheduling.

Youth Coached Swimming


Our Youth Coached Swimming classes provide competitive swim instruction in a safe, friendly environment, helping swimmers improve speed, skills, and technique. Beginners can start with Seahawks Intro, while experienced swimmers progress to Seahawks Intermediate, Juniors, or Elites.

Coached programs focus on stroke development, endurance, and competitive techniques like lane etiquette, circle swimming, open turns, and dive starts.

  • Ages: 6-18
  • Location: Westridge Recreation Facility, 9650 Foothills Canyon Blvd.
  • Season: Year-round: August to May & June / July (Note: Summer Swim Team meets at Northridge)
  • Sessions run monthly allowing for scheduling flexibility.

  • Experience
    • Complete Swim Stroke School II (Blue Level) or be able to swim 25 yards freestyle, then 50 yards backstroke comfortably without stopping & demonstrate 10 yards intro breaststroke and butterfly.
    • Must have the endurance for 45-minute practices.
  • Equipment
    • Swimsuit and goggles for all levels.
    • Swim fins are required for Seniors and Elite swimmers.

  • The online registration option provides the easiest way to register and the most accurate information on what classes are full, added, or canceled.
  • Registration is also available by calling 303-791-2500 and pressing 0 or in person at the registration desk at any of the recreation centers.
  • Registration is on a first-come, first-filled basis. Don’t wait. Classes fill quickly and attending regularly without interruption is crucial for success.
  • Enroll for a minimum of three months at the same level to allow consistency as all swimmers progress differently.
  • Be sure to verify at registration that your phone number and email address are accurate. Correct contact information is critical for proper notification due to cancellations, changes or waitlist enrollment opportunities.
  • If the desired class is full, add your child’s name to the waitlist. When open spots become available, they are filled based on the date added to the waitlist. If your swimmer is on a waitlist, check your email frequently for notifications of openings. Once notified via e-mail, please confirm the class spot within 24 hours or it may be given to the next person on the waitlist.

  • Don’t wait if you have questions, or concerns regarding your swimmer’s program. The easiest solutions happen when issues are addressed immediately.
  • Talk with the Coach or call 303-471-8842 or email [email protected].
  • Have your swimmer practice. The more practice, outside of the program times, the faster the skills become second nature.
  • Each swimmer progresses differently. Don’t wait until the last week of a session to enroll for the next month. It is recommended to sign up for multiple months at least 15 days prior to the beginning of the next session. If the swimmer progresses and you are already enrolled for the next month at the incorrect level, contact 303-471-8942 or email [email protected] to transfer.
  • On the first day of class, swimmers’ skill levels will be tested to make sure they are in the appropriate program. 
  • If a swimmer is disruptive or uncooperative alternative solutions will be discussed.

Make-up classes are not possible, and refunds/pro-rated discounts are not available for any days missed during a session. Please see the full policy:

For more information, use the Coached Swimming Information Request form or contact Kerri McGrath at 303-471-8942 or [email protected]

Youth Coached Swimming


HRCA Swim Coaches lead small group clinics that focus on specific swim skills. Each 90-minute clinic begins with a group warm-up and stroke analysis followed by individualized instruction on the clinic topics. At the conclusion of each clinic, swimmers will have the opportunity to practice the skills in races and earn ribbons. Clinics are designed for all levels.

HRCA Seahawks

Swim Meets

HRCA Seahawks Swim Team is a member of the C.A.R.A. (Colorado Association of Recreational Athletics) Swim League. The program is designed to have a strong recreational and learning format. Competition has its place in the program and all participants are encouraged to do their best. Our goal is to develop skills and sportsmanship within a fun environment. Swimmers compete to earn ribbons and awards in their favorite events.

  • Ages: 5-18
  • Location: Varies
  • Refund Policy: No refunds given after five (5) days prior to meet.
  • Equipment required: Swimsuit. Goggles and swim cap (provided) are recommended.
  • Volunteers: Each family is expected to volunteer during each meet they have a registered swimmer.

Seahawks Intro or higher swim level OR able to swim 25-yard freestyle with side breathing and 50-yard backstroke and complete a one-hour swim practice. Previous Seahawks program participation is highly recommended.

You can choose to register for individual meets or all season meets at a discounted rate. After registering, log in to your SwimTopia account to choose events.

Meet fees include up to three individual events, at least 1 relay, and ribbons. One t-shirt per swimmer for the season.

HRCA Seahawks

Summer Swim Team

HRCA Seahawks is a member of the CARA Swim League. Our goal is to encourage a life-long love of swimming while developing strong swim skills and good sportsmanship within a fun environment. Swim meets are designed with a recreational and learning format. Ribbons are awarded for all events. Swimmers may swim up to three individual events each meet. Relays are made by coaches based on meet rosters.

Ages: 6-18

Locations: Northridge Recreation Facility, 8800 Broadway

Season: June 2 – July 26

Sessions: Full summer is recommended. We understand that summer can be busy and offer one-month options.

June: June 2 - June 26, July: June 30 - July 24

Summer Registration includes:

  • Mon-Thu Practices
  • Home & Away League Swim meets during the registered session
  • Ribbons & Awards
  • Free Latex Cap & T-Shirt (one per swimmer)
  • Team Awards Banquet

Contact the Coaches: E-mail: [email protected]

For more information, visit our team website:

Important Dates:
April 25: Last day to order Custom Team apparel
May 5-22: Pre-season practices
May 28: Team Party (4-6pm)
June 2: First day of practices
June 13: Starts & Race Clinic
June 14: HOME Swim Meet (7am – 1pm)
July 4: Swim Team in HR Parade
July 11: Starts & Race Clinic
July 12: HOME Swim Meet (7am – 1pm)
July 18: Starts & Race Clinic
July 19: HOME Swim Meet (7am – 1pm)
July 30: Awards Banquet (Southridge)

Note: Away meets will be announced in May. Additional team events – watch the website & e-mails.

Seahawks Team Website:

Seahawks Intermediate or higher swim level -or- able to swim 25-yard freestyle with side breathing and 50-yard backstroke. and complete a one-hour swim practice. Previous Seahawks program participation is highly recommended. Coaches will divide swimmers into groups based on ability.

Swimmers register for either the White, Blue, or Red practice group. All new swimmers must safely swim without stopping and without an instructor in the water for 25-yarsd freestyle with side breathing, 50-yard backstroke, and breaststroke and butterfly for 5 strokes. New swimmers to HRCA Seahawks register for an in-person swim evaluation online at

Seahawks White  |  60-minute practices

White I ages 6-10

White II ages 11-18

Seahawks Intro and swimmers who are new to swim team begin in the White practice group. All new swimmers must safely swim without stopping and without an instructor in the water for 25-yarsd freestyle with side breathing, 50-yard backstroke, breaststroke and butterfly for 5 strokes. New swimmers  register for an in-person swim evaluation online at

Seahawks Blue, Ages 6-12  |  60-minute practices

Seahawks Intermediate & Juniors swim level and able to swim 100-yard freestyle with side breathing and 100-yard backstroke. Knowledge of breaststroke and butterfly for 25 yards. Previous Seahawks program participation is encouraged.

Seahawks Maroon, Ages 9-18  |  90-minute practices

Current Seahawks Seniors, Elites and swimmers with competitive experience. Swimmers should be able to swim a 100-yard IM legally with legal turns and 100-yards freestyle in 1:50.

*All Seahawks Maroon swimmers need swim fins for practice.

  • New swimmers to HRCA Seahawks must schedule an evaluation.
  • Current or returning swimmers to HRCA Seahawks do not need to schedule an evaluation.
  • The online registration option provides the easiest way to register and the most accurate information on what classes are full, added, or canceled.
  • Registration is also available by calling 303-791-2500 and pressing 0 or in person at the registration desk at any of the recreation centers.
  • Registration is on a first-come, first-filled basis. Don’t wait. Practice groups fill quickly and attending regularly without interruption is crucial for success.
  • Be sure to verify at registration that your phone number and email address are accurate. Correct contact information is critical for proper notification due to cancellations, changes or waitlist enrollment opportunities.
  • After you are registered, you will be added to the SwimTopia website using the e-mail on file with HRCA.
  • If the desired practice group is full, add your child’s name to the waitlist. When open spots become available, they are filled based on the date added to the waitlist. If your swimmer is on a waitlist, check your email frequently for notifications of openings. Once notified via e-mail, please confirm the class spot within 24 hours or it may be given to the next person on the waitlist.

Dates: May 5 – 22

Location: Northridge Recreation Center

Preseason practices are held on the same days for three weeks. Swimmers may register for one day (Tues only) or multiple days (Tues & Thurs). No refunds for missed practices.

Practice Groups:

  • White Group: 6-7pm – Mon, Wed
  • Blue Group: 7-8pm – Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs
  • Red Group: 8-9pm – Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs

Practice Times (choose ONE)

Swimmers are placed into groups by skill ability during the first week of practices. Coaches reserve the right to adjust swim groups as needed to best meet the needs of the swimmers and the team.

Monday – Thursday Mornings

  • 7:30-9:00 AM – Maroon
  • 8:00-9:00 AM – White (Ages 11+)
  • 9:00-10:00 AM – White (Ages 6-10)
  • 9:00-10:00 AM – Blue

Monday – Thursday Evenings

  • 4:30-6:00 PM – Maroon
  • 5:00-6:00 PM – White (Ages 11+)
  • 6:00-7:00 PM – White (Ages 6-10)
  • 6:00-7:00 PM – Blue

  • I’m new to Seahawks - do I need to try-out?

Swim Evaluations are recommended. There is no parent meeting, so during the evaluation, parents may ask questions and learn more about the team. Sign up for an evaluation online.

  • What should I bring to practice?

Please arrive at least 10 minutes early to allow swimmers to prepare for practice (bathroom, gear on). Swimmers should bring water bottles, two pairs of goggles, a swimsuit, towel, and hair tied back or wear a swim cap. Seahawks Maroon swimmers need swim fins. In the summer, all swimmers should apply sunscreen at home prior to practice.

  • Will There Be Meets This Summer?

Yes! Seahawks is part of the CARA Swim League. We’ll host three home meets and attend away meets. Full schedules are usually available by mid-May.

  • How long is a swim meet?

Check-in: 7:00-7:30am

Meet estimated time: 7:00am – 1:00pm

Summer meets are included in the program fee for the session registered. All swimmers may swim a minimum of 3 individual events and 1 relay at all meets. There are no refunds for missed practices or meets. In the summer, parents may bring chairs and coolers (no glass or alcohol allowed). A food truck will be available for concessions at summer swim meets.

  • Will Parents Need to Volunteer?

Swim teams are successful because of wonderful parent volunteers. Each family should volunteer for all registered swim meets. Please visit the HRCA Seahawks SwimTopia team website for available volunteer opportunities.

  • Will there be Ribbons & Awards?

YES! Meet ribbons will be given at the end of each meet. Coach’s awards are given at the team banquet on July 30.

  • Will There Be Team Suits & Gear?

Yes! However, they are not required. Visit the online team store from Feb. 20 – April 25 to get your team gear. Custom items must be ordered by April 25. Other apparel and items may be ordered after April 25, but they may not arrive before the first swim meet.

Out of Breath Sports – fins, goggles, suits & more!

311 E. County Line Rd, Suite 6, Littleton, CO 80122


  • What is SwimTopia?

The SwimTopia App is included with the HRCA Seahawks program. Parents use SwimTopia to register for meets, get results, and track swimmers’ progress. The Seahawks team uses the SwimTopia webpage and app for most parent communication in the summer and for all swim meets.

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